“The gendarmes have made up the evidence”, accuses Cédric Jubillar

The gendarmes made up the evidence, the blood on the pajamas, the car moved, lots of little things like that“, accused Cédric Jubillar during an appointment with a psychologist expert last May, according to an expert report consulted by franceinfo on Saturday September 17 and which Le Parisien had revealed on August 29. Indicted for the murder of his wife , he continues to deny any responsibility.

The expert met the suspect five times, before the latter asked to stop the appointments, “out of weariness or tiredness“Cedric Jubillar is a man”very little, even not destabilized or destabilized“, he “did not change position or way of operating in successive interviews. He didn’t show any mood swings. (…) He does not leave anything to surprise“.”He concretes“, whatever he says.

At no time did the 35-year-old plasterer show any sign of guilt. He has continuously denied any responsibility for the disappearance of his wife, in mid-December 2020. Asked about the facts, he makes answers “sibylline and avoidant“, who, if the judicial investigation were to establish his guilt, “may be marks of denial and dissimulation on his part“, describes the expert psychologist. But, even if he was guilty, “we don’t think he will agree to discover himself, to reveal himself psychologically“.

Cédric Jubillar talks about his wife “without sentimental affect“particular, contrary to his way of evoking his new companion, met during a search to find the disappeared. He explains that he was surprised and hurt by Delphine Jubillar’s request for divorce, from his distance which he describes as sudden , but claims not to have known, before her disappearance, that she was having an affair.He also affirms that he is not of a jealous nature.

This divorce request may have reminded him of his childhood, he who was not raised at all by his father and who spent several years in a home. This past”undigested“, according to the psychologist, “may suggest the possibility of a reversal from a passive position to an active-aggressive position“.

Cédric Jubillar is a man “in the reserve, but not in the aggressiveness” and without “no psychiatric disorder“, according to the expert. He describes himself as a “disconnector“, a man “stubborn, stubborn, meticulous in work, punctual“, even “arrogant“. He knows he passes for a “asocial asshole“, “too frank“, that his neighbors judged him”weird“, that Delphine Jubillar’s family and friends did not like him, but he regularly repeats that he “who cares“what people think.

If he sometimes takes on the air of “Boy” for “arouse sympathy“, Cédric Jubillar can also “be rejecting and defensive if you try to destabilize him“. Besides, “he asks to close the exchange when he feels he can let go“. The psychologist points out that a “postural rigidity“appears when the condition and tidying up of his house is mentioned,”Ihe feels attacked.”

Cédric Jubillar has been in pre-trial detention since June 2021 for the murder of his wife, whose body has never been found. He is to be heard on the merits of the case on September 23. His lawyers filed a sixth request for release last Wednesday, after the first five were rejected. The Penitentiary Integration and Probation Service (Spip) is studying the technical feasibility of releasing with an electronic bracelet.

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