The Galéga, a beautiful invasive and unfriendly plant

A real plague

Whether it is called Spanish lilac, Goat’s rue, or more commonly Galega officinale, this perennial plant of the pea family is a real scourge. Native to southern, central and eastern Europe, as well as southwestern Asia, the Galega today grows in many countries around the world. In France it was introduced for ornament, for its medicinal properties, as green manure and sometimes even for fodder. This plant, whose clusters of long-stalked flowers are most often pinkish to mauve, sometimes white, is now present in most departments.

Initially confined to wetlands and a few flood-prone riverside terraces, this species is spreading menacingly. It is now found on the sides of the road, in wet meadows, along paths, ditches, and sometimes even forest paths… It also proliferates in pastoral environments. However, Galéga is a very toxic plant for livestock during the flowering and fruiting period.

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