The galas return to Just for Laughs

The Just for Laughs festival will resume for its 40and anniversary with its grand galas.

Posted at 7:00 a.m.

Dominic Late

Dominic Late
The Press

These large-scale evenings of humor, made famous by Yvon Deschamps, Dominique Michel and Normand Brathwaite, will once again see the parade of veterans and rookies of fun.

After the success of her Carte blanche last summer, Rosalie Vaillancourt will be back to hosting on July 23. As for Pierre-Yves Roy-Desmarais (the 21st) and the duo formed by Eddie King and Richardson Zéphir (the 22nd), it will be a baptism for them at the helm of a Just for Laughs gala. On the 21st, Phil Roy will be flanked not by his friend Pier-Luc Funk, but by the singer Roxane Bruneau who, we guess, will be humorous in her own way.

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