the future “very large vaccination center” in Paris carried out 291 injections in four days, indicates the ARS

With 1,300 cases as of July 28, Île-de-France is the most affected region in the country.

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The Edison vaccination center which aims to become a “very large center” entirely devoted to the protection against monkey pox has carried out 291 injections in four days, since its opening, or 97 per day on average, indicates the ARS Île-de-France in a press release, Friday July 29. “The objective is to rapidly increase its capacities (…) and reach 2,000 weekly appointments in the short term”says the agency.

>> Monkey pox: how associations and people at risk are mobilizing in France to deal with the epidemic

More than 8,000 injections have been performed in the region, “i.e. 70% of vaccinations carried out in France”, including 5,000 since July 25. Of the 25 vaccination points opened in Île-de-France, 18 are located in Paris, in the department where the most cases have been detected.

With 1,300 cases as of July 28, Île-de-France is the most affected region in the country. Nearly 60 to 70 new cases are detected there every day. The overwhelming majority of positive people are men, mostly having had frequent multi-partner and same-sex sexual relations (among those who provided their orientation).

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