The future government must promote access to land, according to the FRAQ

Three days before the election is called, the Quebec Federation of Agricultural Succession presents its demands. Young farmers want to be heard, but above all, to feel supported by the future government.

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Each of the proposals aims to promote access to land, an issue that the organization has been defending for more than 10 years.

The value of land has tripled in recent years in Quebec. And the situation is even worse in Estrie. In 1996, an acre of farmland sold for $647, while last year it retailed for $5,600. An increase of 865%.

According to the president of the FRAQ, Julie Bissonnette, there is a limit to buying and going into debt. She asks the question, “Who will buy the land if it’s not the next generation of farmers?” »

The FRAC asks the future government to set up long-term loans at low rates, to create a tax credit for sellers of agricultural land when the buyer is part of the succession and to improve the subsidy program dedicated to the agricultural succession.

David Beauvais, from Magog, has invested $300,000 in his sheepfold over the past three years. A substantial, but relatively modest amount in agriculture.

To achieve this, David also works two other part-time jobs.

But that does not please the government, which has cut its subsidy in half, from $50,000 to $25,000.

A criterion that must change to ensure the prosperity of the next generation.

In Quebec, 2% of the territory is dedicated to agriculture.

And the next generation of farmers hopes that the population will support them in their desire to protect the pantry of Quebecers.

source site-64