the future dad addicted to cosmetic surgery?

At 43, Jean-Pascal Lacoste is about to become a dad for the third time. Dad of two children born from his marriage to Jennifer Lacoste, he will this time welcome a little girl with his new companion, Delphine Tellier. Happy to form a happy blended family, they have also revealed the first name of the baby with their subscribers.

While waiting to pamper again, Jean-Pascal Lacoste continues to take on his role as a columnist in “Touche pas à mon poste”. This Tuesday, April 12, 2022, he thus made revelations about the return of Star Academy, a program in which he participated in 2001 and which made him known. “I have a scoop, there is the Star Ac which will resume. And it seems that you are going to do CPE, principal education adviser” launched Benjamin Castaldi on the set from 6 to 7. To which Jean-Pascal replied: “There are noises… As soon as I have more information, you will be the first to know.”

Jean-Pascal Lacoste addicted to surgery?
Very active on Instagram where he loves to reveal his impressive muscle, the future dad posed a few days ago, alongside his friend Frank Delay. He shared a photo in which he appears completely transformed. Swollen lips, square jaw, refined nose, the duo seems to have gone over the billiards several times… when it is actually a filter!

Aliénor de la Fontaine

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