Video length: 2 min
Savings: the climate future savings plan, a new product aimed at young people, arrives in agencies
Savings: the future climate savings plan, a new product intended for young people, arrives in agencies
(France 2)
Soon, parents wishing to set aside a sum of money for their children will be able to turn to the climate future savings plan. A new savings product that has advantages, but also its specificities that will not suit everyone.
Something new will soon appear in your bank: the future climate savings plan. Reserved for under 21s, its rate will be at least 3%, for an amount limited to 22,950 euros maximum. A product that is already attracting parents and grandparents who want to save money for their children and grandchildren. Especially since its remuneration is higher than that of Livret A. Its rate will however depend on each bank.
Because whatever savings plan is chosen, the objective remains the same: to finance low-carbon projects and promote green industry.Saving for solidarity and for the climate, that interests me“, says a mother whose three children “prefer (that she) invests in solidarity rather than in cars or luxury“Savings for long-term projects, because you have to invest your money for at least five years to be exempt from taxes.”The Livret A is extremely liquid, you can enter and exit as you wish, while with the PEAC, there is a blocking of savings at least until the age of majority“, explains Philippe Crevel, director of the Savings Circle.