the future buyer known on Tuesday?

Last November 8, deadline for submitting applications, if Norodom Ravichak focused all eyes. The Cambodian prince accused of having produced a false bank guarantee document has caused trouble and the threat of ASSE shareholders to file a complaint constitutes a new inglorious episode in what has almost become today an Arlesian.

But this Tuesday, things could actually and positively accelerate. Other cases which, a priori, will not lead anyone to court, have been filed and it is these that KMPG has been struggling to parse for 15 days. We know at least two: that ofOlivier Markarian, a local industrialist and another, international, carried by the former president of OM, Jean-Michel Roussier.

Good results could delay the process

If one of these offers satisfies Bernard Caïazzo and Roland Romeyer, they could accept it as is or, more likely, enter into a exclusive negotiations phase with very probably a counter-proposal to inflate the envelope. According to our information, one of the two offers in question would be of the order of 18 million euros for shareholders (whom it takes several tens of millions to pay off the debt and inject money into the transfer market). The outright rejection of offers deemed too low should not be ruled out either.. Especially since ASSE is finding its colors in the championship and the two co-presidents could be tempted to wait for better days to relaunch the sale.

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