the furniture market is picking up and reaching a record level

Friendly place par excellence to prepare good meals at the time of teleworking, the kitchen is well ahead of sales. Then come the bathroom and the bedroom.

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There is a catch-up effect to the confinement effect. The pandemic has prompted many households to change their lifestyle, place of residence and professional habits with telework. This manifests itself today in the interior design. This is demonstrated by the figures of the various federations in the furniture sector: in 2021, furniture sales increased by 14% to reach 14 billion euros. This is the first time that the volume of business has exceeded this level.

Budgets vary according to living standards and socio-professional categories. On average, the increase reached 6% increase per household. This ranges from 500 euros to 4,000 on average, among CSP+ teleworkers and owners. In any case, small and large budgets, manufacturers and distributors can rejoice to see customers spending more, even if prices have also increased by an average of 3% due to the soaring cost of raw materials and transport. .

In addition, the made in France is back in force. A third of the furniture sold originated in France. Enough to restore the morale of professionals who no longer hesitate to reinvest to meet demand. They have benefited in particular from the government’s recovery plan to modernize.

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