For wage increases, the CGT, FSU, Solidaires and youth organizations are calling this Thursday one day from strike and demonstration. The Snuipp-FSU, the main union of the first degree, calls on school staff to join the mobilization.
In La Roche-sur-Yon, catering services, reception and peri-educational activities will be disrupted or even deleted indicates the town hall. On the 17 public schools in the city, 11 morning receptions (Pyramides, Rivoli, Laennec, Léonce-Gluard, Jean-Moulin, Maria-Montessori, Montjoie, Victor-Hugo, Flora-Tristan, Généraudière and Pont Boileau) and 8 evening receptions (Pyramides, Rivoli, Laennec , Jean-Moulin, Maria-Montessori, Victor-Hugo, Flora-Tristan and Généraudière) will remain open. Regarding catering, 5 restaurants will be open: 3 kindergartens (Léonce-Gluard, Maria-Montessori and Généraudière) and 2 elementary restaurants (Rivoli and Victor-Hugo). Finally, 10 sites for elementary peri-educational activities will be maintained (Pyramides, Rivoli, Laennec, Léonce-Gluard, Jean-Moulin, Montjoie, Victor-Hugo, Flora-Tristan, Généraudière, and Pont-Boileau).
The City is implementing the Minimum reception service for 2 schools in Espace Golly (elementary Pyramides and Jean-Moulin kindergartens).