The FSE asks for a new postponement of the course “Culture and Quebec citizenship”

A new voice is added to demand the postponement of the new course in Quebec culture and citizenship (CCQ), which must replace the Ethics and Religious Culture program at the start of the 2023 school year.

The Federation of Education Unions (FSE-CSQ), which represents 87,000 teachers in the public sector, says it sees “significant shortcomings” in the pilot project which was implemented at the start of the 2022 school year in around thirty schools. primary and secondary schools in the province.

“What the teachers tell us is that they expected the teaching material to be ready and that they could experiment with it,” says the president, Josée Scalabrini. We are told that everything is to be built and done, whereas the teachers thought that they would rather check the teaching material and comment on it. »

A report with the Ministry of Education must take place in the spring and the union is asking to postpone the implementation of the course for at least a year, in 2024, considering that it is a sequence that is not not spread out enough over time. “Building educational material is a colossal job,” she slips.

The FSE also regrets that the teachers were promised training, but that, in fact, it is rather information sessions with representatives of the Ministry of Education. “Teachers tell us that when we touch sensitive content such as faith, life, death, rights and freedoms […]you have to prepare and know how to present and approach this with the students,” adds Josée Scalabrini.

A postponement was also requested at the end of November in The Press by the National Federation of Teachers of Quebec (FNEEQ-CSN), which represents teachers in private schools.

For its part, the Autonomous Federation of Education (FAE) indicated to the To have to that the program is being implemented with great haste, but that its official position on the matter will be determined next week.

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