the frustration of left-wing activists as the European elections approach

While the list led by Raphaël Glucksmann climbs in the polls, left-wing activists remain bitter at the absence of a common list.


Reading time: 3 min

Raphael Glucksmann seeks to present himself as the vote "useful" on the left against the RN and the Macronists.  (REMY GABALDA / MAXPPP)

Dynamic in the polls – between 11 and 13% – Raphaël Glucksmann, head of the socialist list (PS-Place publique) in the European elections, is seeking to present himself as the “helpful vote” on the left against the RN and the Macronists. But the bet is not won, according to left-wing activists who debated on Franceinfo: a member of Générations, an environmentalist and a socialist.

Three young people around a syrup with water a few steps from the Assembly, disappointed with the turn the union is taking on the left. Sirine is an activist at Générations, Benoît Hamon’s micro-party. She is angry with Raphaël Glucksmann for not having defended a list common to the Europeans and says she “frustrated that even if it climbs in the polls, we are still grabbing crumbs. The RN is still very far ahead. Whereas with a united list we would have been the first list. I am frustrated by that. This does not will never be the same thing as a single list which was planned at 35% and here we are grabbing the 8%, 7%, 5%. That’s what frustrates me and makes me extremely angry.”

“In 2027, we cannot unite around the PS”

In front of her, Clovis nods his head. It is, for this environmental activist, a story of calculations, of political strategy on the part of the parties, his own too he admits. But above all, at this moment, socialists : “What they want is to become the first left-wing force following the European elections. And if they are indeed – because there will be a rallying game behind them – for me it is extremely dangerous because the union, in 2027, cannot be achieved around the PS. We need a union that is much more radical.”

“The PS today represents for too many people the disappointment, the betrayal of François Hollande, the betrayal of Manuel Valls or things like that.”

Clovis, environmental activist

at franceinfo

For him, the head of the PS-Place publique list seeks to divide: “When Glucksmann says, for example, ‘I’m serious about international issues.’ We know very well that he implies that behind there would have been lists – rebellious or eco-friendly – which would be less serious. Just doing that is super dangerous for me. Hitting others is what will divide us and cost us dearly in 2027.”

Next door, Jérémie, the socialist, puffs on his cigarette, a little annoyed: “I find it quite sad that we are raising the specter of Nupes throughout this discussion because unfortunately there is none in this European election. And that we are already interested in the aftermath, that shows that ultimately there is perhaps not as much interest as that for the Europeans. The object today is not to say ‘Nupes, Nupes’ even if we are for Nupes. The object is to say ‘What are we doing for this election?’ And I believe that it is essential to recognize that there is a real surge for Raphaël Glucksmann. And that it is very important for the election.” The argument put forward by the socialists is the weight of their group in the European Parliament : the most able according to them, on the left, to influence decisions.

Left-wing activists frustrated by the absence of a common European list: report by Victoria Koussa

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