the fresh and local site

The site fresh and local.

On this day dedicated to our farmers, here is a site to help you consume products from us on a short circuit, near you. And it’s bound to be near you, since in Alsace, the smallest agricultural region in mainland France, agriculture covers 41% of the territory for 11,000 professional farmers.

With the site fresh and local point fr, locate easily near you the producers of the networks of our partners and their points of sale. This platform is the result of a partnership between the chambers of agriculture and the Ministry of Agriculture and Food open to all platforms for the direct sale of agricultural products. This single entry point for consumers facilitates the search for local farm products and gives increased visibility to farmers who are members of partner platforms.

And there is a huge package of them, click on the fresh and local site point fr, locate yourself, you can type the product you are looking for, the town, and hop, there are many points on the map, click on them to get the detail and address, on fresh and local point fr.

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