the French win bronze in four places at the European championships

The Northerner Maxime Beaumont, the Alsatian Guillaume Burger the Breton Quilian Kochet Guillaume Le Floch, licensed in Condé-sur-Vire in the Channel, won the bronze medal in the K4 online kayak (500 m), this Saturday at the European championships from Munich. The race was won by Olympic and world champions Germany.

The tricolor quartet, made up in particular of Maxime Beaumont, Olympic vice-champion in Rio (K1 200m), missed silver by 25/1000, stolen by the Slovak crew, bronze medalists in Japan.

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This is the first French medal in a four-seater boat for twelve years in a major championship. When Arnaud Hybois, Étienne Hubert, Sébastien Jouve and Philippe Colin won gold at the 2010 Worlds in the 1,000m, then the Olympic distance (now 500m).

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