“The French will pay a high price for it,” says Nicolas Bay


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The vice-president of Eric Zemmour’s party, Reconquête!, denounced on franceinfo the economic sanctions taken by the European Union and the United States.

“Who will be the victim of these sanctions? It’s the French”, estimated this Saturday on franceinfo Nicolas Bay, MEP and executive vice-president of the Reconquest party! by Éric Zemmour, concerning French and European sanctions against Russia. “We are largely collateral damage in all this. The explosion of raw materials, it is the French directly, in their daily lives, who will pay a high price”, he continued. Nicolas Bay also denounced “the economic sanctions imposed since 2014 against Russia” who “have already penalized our agriculture”without “no efficiency”.

“To deprive us of Russian gas and oil supplies would be a terrible blow for the purchasing power of the French and even more so for that of our German neighbors”, he said, regarding the possibility of an embargo on Russian imports. According to him, France “would above all be interested in developing its own energy capacities and in stopping waging nuclear war”. The one who left Marine Le Pen to join Éric Zemmour’s campaign recalled that the first ecological measure of his presidential candidate, if elected, will be to renew the French nuclear fleet and build additional reactors.

Nicolas Bay also pointed to French arms deliveries to Ukraine: “When you have Bruno Le Maire who says that we are going to wage war on the Russian economy, that you have warmongering approaches which consist in saying we are going to deliver arms to Ukraine, I am not sure that creates the conditions for de-escalation”. If he finds “normal” for Ukraine to defend itself, Nicolas Bay considered that supplying it with weapons is putting oneself in a situation of “become co-belligerents”.

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