“The French who have not been increased at all, it’s quite rare”, says Olivier Dussopt


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The Minister of Labor advocates social dialogue more than a legal increase in all salaries, which would “crush” the salary grids “from below” according to him.

The French who have not been raised at all, it is quite rare and fortunately“, declared Olivier Dussopt on Wednesday September 7 on franceinfo. The Minister of Labour, Full Employment and Integration recognizes, however, that there is “of French people who have not experienced a raise in their business.“The government therefore asks the”companies that can to take their responsibilities.

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However, forcing companies to raise wages is not the solution, he believes. “This would mean that the law replaces social dialogue to proceed with a general increase in wages. That’s not how we work.” It’s a “political choice“, he explains. The choice of “social dialogue by branch. We entrust the branches with the task of negotiating collective agreements and the companies with the fact of negotiating within the framework of the mandatory annual negotiations (NAO)“.

If you raise the minimum wage legally, by law, you run the risk of the wage scales being crushed from below“, continues the minister. And there is “a protective system with an 8% increase in the minimum wage, indexed to inflation“. Annual negotiations in companies “have generally resulted in increases in remuneration and we are pushing for branch negotiations so that the conventional levels of remuneration are reviewed“, he insists.

Asked about the attractiveness of certain professions, the Minister of Labour, indicates that this attractiveness “goes through different recruitment methods, increases in hiring salaries. Many companies are announcing salary increases of 5, 6, 7% to deal with inflation and recruitment difficulties“, notes Olivier Dussport during the return to business in France organized by the Medef. Several research firms estimate, however, that wages have increased by an average of 3%. “This concerns the first quarter of 2022“, retorts Olivier Dussopt. “When it comes to figures, the only justices of the peace are INSEE and DARES (the Directorate for the Animation of Research, Studies and Statistics) and we have to wait until their figures are completely out.he concludes.

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