In five years, Marine Le Pen will have won more than 7,000 votes in Isère, where she won more than 23% of the vote this Sunday, April 10. And the RN wants to continue this momentum. Its spokesperson in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Alexis Jolly, was in our studios the day after the first round.
France Bleu Isère: Despite the debate five years ago, despite the candidacy of Eric Zemmour, your candidate is in the second round and is progressing. Is it the loyalty bonus?
Alexis Jolly: In any case, it is the bonus for the fidelity of ideas, indeed. I believe that the French have recognized all the qualities of Marine Le Pen, she is a woman who works a lot, who questions herself a lot. I believe that Marine Le Pen won her bet because she also put forward proposals that were important in this campaign. She was the first to talk about purchasing power. Conversely, Emmanuel Macron has tapped into the wallets of the French in terms of tax hype in particular.
It was also the president who allowed “whatever the cost”?
Indeed, 600 billion euros of additional debt in a five-year period. So the economics lessons he gives to others, if you want, he can keep them. Marine Le Pen presented a project that gives money back to the French because the French need to regain purchasing power and be less in a hurry.
Did you have a moment of shudder when Jean-Luc Mélenchon caught up some of his delay on Marine Le Pen? Only 0.8 point difference at one time on Sunday evening?
Yes, we always know that there is a doubt: the more the evening progresses, the more the big cities begin to be stripped, cities which are to the advantage in any case of Jean-Luc Mélenchon. And so, we had a moment of doubt, indeed. And then finally, the storm that could have gone wrong didn’t happen.
Your supporters the day after the first round are Eric Zemmour and Nicolas Dupont-Aignan. So that’s one more than in 2017, with a completely recomposed political landscape. Is the dynamic very different from 2017?
In each vote, there is a part of adhesion and also a part of sanction vote. All votes are up for grabs
It’s totally different because you said it, we have voice reserves this time. And above all, opinion polls in the light of last week have shown that there was going to be a sanction vote against Emmanuel Macron and not against Marine Le Pen. I believe that the French, today, want to turn the page on Emmanuel Macron. There are 66% of French people who no longer want Emmanuel Macron. The idea of this second round is to bring together all these French people, all these voters, wherever they come from, and beat Emmanuel Macron.
So the RN vote is still a sanction vote?
In each vote, there is a part of adhesion and also a part of sanction vote. All votes are up for grabs. So indeed, there are people who will vote for Marine Le Pen because they want to beat Emmanuel Macron. And that’s the goal. We must rally around the candidacy of Marine Le Pen, wherever we come from, from the left, from the right.
Emmanuel Macron sets the tone today with a first trip to Hauts-de-France, in the stronghold of Marine Le Pen. Will he seek confrontation?
It would be time for the candidate president to finally go to the campaign because he is rather used to the gilding of the Republic, but he has not always returned to the campaign, to meet the French. So he will receive the reception of Hauts-de-France which I know very well.
Emmanuel Macron comes out of this mandate also with the costume of the captain in the storm, of the chief of the armies, of the one who did the “whatever the cost”. What will be your arguments to attack this image?
It will be to tell the French that we are going to save money to give them back their money.
– Visactu