the French unconvinced by the government’s measures



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Adrien Broche, opinion consultant at Viavoice, returns to the 23h set of franceinfo on the survey published by his group with Liberation on the main concerns of the French.

Asked about the survey that Viavoice publishes with Liberation, Adrien Broche, opinion consultant at Viavoice, recalls that purchasing power remains the main concern of the French. And the actions of the government do not convince the population. “For the moment, (there is a) stalemate for the government which, despite efforts, is still faced with only about a third of French people who consider that it is taking the measure of these issues“, he explains, even if the counter-proposals of the oppositions do not yet seem to convince much more. If the concerns of the French correspond to what the Nupes puts forward, it does not manage to draw credit from them.

About 7 out of 10 French people consider that the start of the school year could be marked by major social movements. It remains to be seen whether they will crystallize around a specific bill, as is usually the case.

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