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The Court of Auditors has indicated that the French still have difficulty with sorting waste. Journalist David Boéri, present on the set of 12/13, Wednesday September 28, explains why.
The French still do not know how to properly sort waste. Indeed, this is the finding drawn up by the Court of Auditors. Journalist David Boéri, present on the set of 12/13, Wednesday September 28, provides details. “The court had already alerted in 2011, and since then there has been too little progress”, he says. And explain: “First, because we have not reduced our waste enough. With an average of 583 kg per year and per inhabitant, we are very far from the 500 kg target set for 2030.” In reality, the amount of waste has remained almost stable in recent years.
Waste treatment is always more expensive. “The total bill today reaches nearly 16 billion euros per year, with an average increase of 4.3% per year, over the past two decades”, says David Boéri. Today, only 44% of our waste is actually recycled, in the famous yellow bins. France is very far from Germany with 67%. “Because here, sorting is not efficient enough: according to calculations by the Court of Auditors, each French person could recycle nearly 200 kg of additional waste per year”concludes the journalist.