the French salute his memory


Video length: 2 min

Death of Robert Badinter: the French salute his memory

Death of Robert Badinter: the French salute his memory – (franceinfo)

Asked to choose a word to pay tribute to Robert Badinter, who died on the night of Thursday February 8 to Friday February 9, the French people interviewed evoked both his “courage”, his “righteousness” and his “elegance”, among other tributes.

A brilliant orator, Robert Badinter loved words. But how can we evoke Robert Badinter in a single word? Among the French people interviewed by France 2, the term “humanist“comes up most often, with the word”courage“Another woman talks about a man.”bright“. For the son of Jewish immigrants, whose father died in a concentration camp, the word “mensch” is also mentioned by a French woman. “He is a man of superior quality, he is both a just and a wise“, she adds.

“Elegance” and “simplicity”

For another woman, the word “righteousness“comes to mind when we think of Robert Badinter.”Elegance“, “simplicity” And “humanity“, holds a woman back.”I’m too little to talk about a man like that“, she adds. So, the last word goes to the great man. Robert Badinter was asked about his favorite word in a television show. “Justice“, he replied.

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