the French political class at the time of “national unity” despite the presidential election?

41 days before the presidential election, and while Emmanuel Macron remains focused on diplomacy, Jean Castex is due to address the national representation on Tuesday on the conflict between Ukraine and Russia.

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Planning puzzle at the Elysée. Barely emerging from Covid-19, the French presidential campaign is turned upside down by the war in Ukraine. Emmanuel Macron, who must formalize his candidacy in the coming days, multiplied diplomatic meetings on Monday – including a telephone interview with Vladimir Putin for 1h30 – while Prime Minister Jean Castex organized an “information meeting” in destination of the main candidates around the conflict in Ukraine and the sanctions imposed on Russia.

A little over a month before the first round of the presidential election, this Tuesday, March 1 in the afternoon, the deputies, whose parliamentary session had ended last week, are returning to the Assembly. They will be presented with “a declaration by the Government relating to Russia’s decision to wage war on Ukraine, followed by a debate, in application of article 50-1 of the Constitution”. It is therefore Jean Castex who will address the national representation. All the political groups will then be able to reply to him. And the presidential campaign could well shatter this facade of “national unity”.

Thus, among the Republicans, we do not argue, we even praise “the diplomatic efforts that are made to find a favorable outcome to the war“. Which does not prevent the deputy Pierre-Henri Dumont, from scratching all the same the face of the Head of State, on all diplomatic fronts but also future candidate: “He is not a superman, even for Jupiter, the days are only 24 hours“, has fun this support of Valérie Pécresse.

On the side of ecologists, Delphine Batho evokes “the desirable national unity in the face of a serious situation which requires perspective“. But Yannick Jadot’s spokesperson also believes that the head of state has been too much “lonely, maybe underestimating Putin’s threat“as he attempted a diplomatic resolution.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon tries to explain his position of non-alignment, a form of “at the same time” where Russia is firmly condemned but where NATO is also seen as an aggressive power. Among the rebellious also, it is estimated that the Head of State uses his position and “overplay“the place of France.

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