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The planetary influence of the sovereign caused strong emotion at the time of her death. Everywhere in France, we remember Elizabeth II with sometimes the memory of a meeting.
In the middle of a flower bed, the image of the Queen surrounded by florists and President François Hollande. It was eight years ago when she came to inaugurate this flower market. “I had heard that she really liked blue so it was a little nod to this extraordinary woman”, remembers Mélissandre Somenzi-Girardin who had met her on occasion. Tributes everywhere in France, the portrait of the queen is displayed in large. In an English bookstore, British dailies are snapped up, no less than 150 newspapers sold in half an hour.
“I came especially to buy the special edition of the Guardian”, admits a client. The shop, taken aback, could not order more newspapers. The queen, when you love her, you don’t count. In a pastry shop, one of the oldest in Paris, the queen had left her mark by tasting some specialties. A feeling of closeness to the sovereign. Flag at half mast in Lille, twinned with an English city and a register of condolences where some recall a certain motto of the royal family: “Never Complain, Never Explain”.