Video length: 1 min
2024 Legislative Elections: French People from Overseas and Abroad, First Voters Called to the Polls
2024 Legislative Elections: French People from Overseas and Abroad, First Voters Called to the Polls
French people living abroad or overseas have already started voting on Saturday, June 29. A high turnout is expected, with figures already higher than those of the 2022 legislative elections.
At 8 a.m. local time, a bell announced the opening of a polling station in Montreal (Canada), Saturday June 29. The French expatriates, who were waiting patiently in front of the door, are already there to cast their ballots for the first round of the legislative elections. “It is important because, even if we live abroad, we remain French citizens, it does not separate us from where we come from.“, recalls a woman.
The same scenes took place in New York (United States), a few hours later, and in the West Indies, notably in Guadeloupe, in Vieux-Habitants. “When it opened, there were already people there, and they just keep coming.“, confides a woman. The turnout is expected to be high for these elections. The figure for Internet votes for French people abroad speaks for itself: more than 410,000 voters were counted, compared to 250,000 in 2022.