“The French opponents have taken the wrong place, they have demonetized themselves”, judge Nathalie Loiseau

The MEP and former Minister for European Affairs believes on franceinfo that opponents of Emmanuel Macron should “prefer that France and Europe succeed together.”

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“The French opponents are in the wrong place”, estimated Wednesday January 19 on franceinfo Nathalie Loiseau, MEP of the Reniew group and former Minister for European Affairs of Emmanuel Macron, while the Head of State delivered a speech in front of the European Parliament on the occasion of the presidency. French of the Council of the European Union. “I would have been very happy to have had a debate on Europe”, launches Nathalie Loiseau. But according to her, the opponents of Emmanuel Macron “were in the wrong place and time. They wanted to fight with the President of the Republic. Except that they are not fighting in the same category.”

>> French Presidency of the Council of the European Union: what to remember from Emmanuel Macron’s speech to Parliament

The MEP castigates Yannick Jadot in particular. According to her, “German Greens” did to him “understand publicly that they were in complete disagreement with the tone he used”. MEP EELV notably criticized the President of the Republic for his action “climaticide”.

For the former minister, the French opponents “have become demonetized. Already, he weighed very little in this European Parliament” because they are “very small minority. But after this exercise, they will weigh even less”. She judges that the oppositions had no “nothing to say about Europe”. And she wonders: “What do they fear about this French presidency of the European Union? They fear its success. It’s still paradoxical!” Nathalie Loiseau believes that opponents of Emmanuel Macron should “preferring that France and Europe succeed together. And they make a terrible admission. They say ‘it will help him because he will succeed'”. The former minister is “Okay” with them. “He will succeed and so much the better if it serves France”, adds Nathalie Loiseau.

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