When will there be a Nutri-Score on a European scale? Negotiations are still at a standstill, but a new study demonstrates the effectiveness of the French label.
Reading time: 2 min

Among the four nutritional labels that exist in Europe, the Scandinavian Key Hole, the English Nutri Light, the Italian Nutri Repère and the French Nutri-Score, the latter, which we find on food products with its letters from A to E on a colored background, from green to red, seems to be the most effective.
According to an OECD study from Tuesday, February 6, (link in English), which compared the impact that its nutritional scales would have if they were implemented throughout Europe, this is the method classification of the French which would be the most appropriate. For researchers, the Nutri-Score would make it possible to avoid two million cases of non-communicable diseases between 2023 and 2050.
The effectiveness of the Nutri-Score had already been evaluated by other scientific studies, but what is new is that the OECD has also analyzed its impact on the economy. Its implementation on a European scale would thus make it possible to make savings in terms of health expenditure with a reduction of 0.05% each year.
This would also be a plus in terms of productivity since an informed public about the nutritional qualities of a product means a reduction in chronic diseases. This decline has an impact on employment with a gain estimated at 10.6 full-time equivalents per 100,000 inhabitants of working age.
Spread the Nutri-Score on a European scale
This is one more argument for the supporters of Nutri-Score, but the game is far from won, because the European Commission had proposed in 2021, compulsory and harmonized nutritional labeling in the 27 countries of the ‘Union. However, this project faces hostility from certain agri-food manufacturers supported by countries like Italy.
For Italians, the Nutri-Score would thus be a threat to its specialties such as Parma ham or one of the flagships of its economy, Ferrero. It is currently impossible to reach an agreement, negotiations are at a standstill and the European elections are blocking all decision-making.
For the moment, the French Nutri-Score therefore remains applied in seven European countries, Belgium, Spain and Germany in particular, but always on a voluntary basis and without obligation for companies.