The president of the French Football Federation, Philippe Diallo, raised this possibility in October.
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The idea mentioned in October by the president of the French Football Federation (FFF) will soon come to fruition. The French men’s football team will travel by train for the last preparatory match for the Euro in June in Metz, Philippe Diallo announced on Wednesday March 20 in an interview with Figaro. “For the trip to Metz in June, I am announcing that we will go by train. It is settled and recorded. The conditions are met”, he declares, about this last meeting before the Euro in Germany which will begin in June. The opponent is not yet known.
This idea first concerned Saturday’s friendly match in Lyon against Germany, but the FFF had to give up. “We are doing Metz and not Lyon or Marseille (Tuesday against Chile), for questions of schedules, security, recovery, more favorable calendar”explains Philippe Diallo. “For Lyon, we studied the idea of taking a private train from Paris to Lyon, but there is so much traffic that it is not possible. And the times did not suit us for picking up the players”he adds.
The leader is nevertheless delighted: “Things are progressing and our France A team will be on the train soon. I’m trying to push for action, it takes time, things are on the right track.” This is not a first for all French football teams: the Bleues coached by Hervé Renard and the Espoirs of Thierry Henry have already had the opportunity to take the train in the past.