the French Jewish community is worried about the repercussions


Video duration:
1 minute

France 2

Article written by

franceinfo – J. Wittenberg, J. Assouly, C. Arnold, S. Giaume, H. Strobel, L. Michel

France Televisions

Around fifty anti-Semitic acts have been recorded in the country since Saturday. On the morning of Wednesday October 11, the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, was alongside the Jewish community of Sarcelles near Paris.

In 2013, Rabbi of a synagogue in the 9th arrondissement of Paris and her son were violently attacked with a knife. Since building is anonymous. “We removed all signs showing the synagogue (…) It’s crazy”testifies Alain Azriahead of the synagogue. Inside we are taking extra precaution. A faithful says he avoids reading works in Hebrew on public transport. “I don’t take off my yarmulke, but I wear a cap”, he explains. Jewish traders vThey do not give in to psychosis but worry.

The community gets organized

In Strasbourg, the feeling is shared: “We have completely reorganized ourselves, the security unit is well in place”, explains Maurice Dahan, president of the Israeli Consistory of Bas-Rhin. On the part of the public authorities, priority is given to security. Gérald Darmanin and Gabriel Attal went to visit a Jewish school on Wednesday October 11. Around fifty anti-Semitic acts have been recorded by the Ministry of the Interior. The 500 places of worship, education and gatherings of the Jewish community are now protected by 10,000 police officers.

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