the French innovation sector fears that “everything will stop because of radical decisions”

“Today, France is clearly among the world capitals of artificial intelligence,” claims Maya Noël, head of digital France, who points out that this industry widely calls on “employees who do not come from the European Union”.


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Artificial intelligence (illustration).  (LA NACION / MAXPPP)

“Everything should not end tomorrow with radical decisions.” As the early legislative elections approach, this statement on France Inter from Maya Noël, head of digital France, reflects the concern that reigns in the French innovation sector, particularly pampered since the coming to power of Emmanuel Macron. Underlying this: the fear of seeing the National Rally or the New Popular Front access responsibilities.

“For more than ten years, we have somehow managed to align the planets, to have enough capital, enough talent and managed to open new markets which allow us to be an attractive country in terms of innovation. Today Today, France is clearly among the world capitals of artificial intelligence. underlines the general director of this association which defends the interests of French start-ups.

If she does not mention Marine Le Pen’s party by name, it is its immigration policy that scares her. “Among innovative companies, almost one in five uses employees who do not come from the European Union. Profiles who may come from the Maghreb, profiles who come from Asia. We need these talents to to be able to continue to develop”, she says.

“Anything that limits immigration would be harmful,” insists to France Inter the boss of one of the largest artificial intelligence (AI) companies in France, on condition of anonymity. Beyond labor, there is the crucial question of foreign investment. “We can’t cut ourselves off from the world”warns Philippe Corrot, co-chairman and CEO of Mirakl. “The decisions we are making now will have an impact on the next twenty years, maybe even longer”, underlines the one who co-founded this start-up specializing in e-commerce. It alerts on “a risk of major downgrading of France for the coming decades, perhaps irrecoverable”.

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