This lower demand reassures the manager, who has classified the risk in terms of security of electricity supply for the rest of the winter as “low”.
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Less energy. Electricity consumption, corrected for the weather, was 7 to 8% lower in November and December than the average over these two months between 2014 and 2019, the electricity network manager revealed on Monday January 22. A decrease “in the trend observed since fall 2022” Who “results both from continued energy savings, the effects of the economic context marked by inflation and high energy prices”, estimates RTE. This reduction is announced while the government has decided to increase taxes on electricity in order to fill the public deficit.
During the cold episode which affected France during the 2nd week of January, consumption reached between 83 gigawatts (GW) and 84 GW maximum, “while the same weather conditions would probably have led to a peak around 90 GW” in the pre-crisis context. This lower demand reassures the manager, who has classified the risk in terms of security of electricity supply for the rest of the winter as “weak”.
The nuclear fleet is as available as expected, with 47 reactors out of 56 operating as of January 9. A level at the highest since winter 2022 and the start of the “stress corrosion crisis” triggered at the end of 2021, which shut down many reactors. Other methods of electricity production are also in good shape. Stocks are at levels “above historical averages” for hydraulics, wind production “abundant” And “controlled gas supply”. So many elements which allowed France to find a situation “strongly exporting” over the last few months, despite “damage on an interconnection with Great Britain”.