“The French have rediscovered a right of government”, according to Philippe Goujon



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The 140,000 members placed an unexpected duo at the head of the first round of the primaries: Éric Ciotti and Valérie Pécresse. Anne Bourse, journalist in the political service of France Televisions, Philippe Goujon, LR mayor of the 15th arrondissement of Paris and Frédéric Micheau, deputy director general of OpinionWay, analyze this first round.

The activists did not concern themselves with the polls and who would be best placed in the race for the second round of the presidential election. Four of the five candidates ended up in a pocket square. “By putting Eric Ciotti at the head of this first round of the elections, the activists are choosing radicalism. He is firm on immigration, he proposes for example the national preference on employment and on housing. Éric Zemmour is congratulates Eric Ciotti’s score “, analysis Anne Bourse, political journalist at France Télévisions.

Xavier Bertrand would surely have paid dearly to have left the militants and then to come back. “The French have rediscovered a right of government, the only one capable of offering alternation at the head of the country. The debates saw concrete and serious projects. Valérie Pécresse is the one who embodies the ultimate vote”, explains Philippe Goujon, LR mayor of the 15th arrondissement of Paris. For Frédéric Micheau, Deputy CEO of OpinionWay: “Eric Ciotti, by claiming the legacy of fillonism and his loyalty within his party, showed that he was the clearest and I think it paid off.”


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