the French groups Lactalis and Atlantic shut down several sites in the country at war

Lactalis announced on Monday that it would close its production site in Nikolaev and Atlantic stops its factory in Kharkiv and its offices in Odessa to “preserve the physical integrity” of its employees.

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Lactalis, the world leader in dairy products, has shut down one of its three production sites in Ukraine, located in Nikolaev, due to fighting taking place nearby, reports Monday, February 28 in the afternoon France Mayenne blue.

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The manufacturer states in a press release that the activity of its two other sites in Shostka and Pavlograd “is slowed down”each “receiving no more than one to three truckloads of milk per day”. The maintenance of the group’s activities could be compromised, due to the shortage of certain industrial products necessary for the operation of its factories.

Lactalis employs 850 people in Ukraine. The management specifies that it will provide all the necessary assistance to its employees “who would like to leave the country and in this case organize the best conditions, accommodation and financial support if necessary”. The Mayenne industrialist also ensures that it monitors the situation of its sites and its employees in Russia

The French group Atlantic, which employs 10,000 people at 28 sites worldwide, also announced on Monday February 28 that it will close its two sites on Ukrainian territory, France Bleu Loire Océan reported on Monday.

Four days after Russia invaded Ukraine, the group’s management specialized in the sale of radiators and heaters, invites its 356 employees in the country to take shelter, by closing its factory in Kharkiv, the second largest city in the country, and its offices in Odessa. In a press release, the management sets “as an absolute priority the preservation of the physical integrity of our employees”. On site, the employees are only of Ukrainian nationality. No repatriation of employees to France is therefore planned.

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