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In the afternoon of Friday, November 17, a health defense council will be held, at the end of which new instructions will be given to the French. As the end of the year holidays approach, the uses of self-tests could be announced as a new provision.
While waiting for new instructions from the health defense council, the French flock to self-tests, offered in pharmacies for a price of around five euros, in order to spend Christmas with their loved ones in all serenity. “I bought self-tests for Christmas Eve since we will be with the family. We want to be sure not to be carriers of the virus to celebrate Christmas properly and protect our loved ones”, confides a client.
If the swabs from the PCR and antigen tests performed in a pharmacy must reach the nasopharynx, the self-test is less invasive. On the other hand, the procedure to be followed is very precise if one wishes to obtain a reliable result. In one minute, the result is displayed with a single line for a negative result, and two lines for a positive result. A laboratory PCR test will be sufficient to confirm this result, which is only 80% reliable.