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On Wednesday January 5, Le Parisien published his interview with Emmanuel Macron, during which he said he wanted to “piss off” the unvaccinated. These remarks aroused general indignation, politicians and citizens alike.
“The unvaccinated, I really want to piss them off.” Here are the comments made by Emmanuel Macron, during his interview published by Le Parisien on Wednesday, January 5. This outing aroused the surprise of the inhabitants of several cities, in particular that of Marseille, which has 59% of unvaccinated inhabitants. “I find that this is not the language of a President of the Republic, but the language of most of the French”said a resident, who said he agreed with the president’s words, but disagreed with the form used.
Some inhabitants of Marseille are very angry at the words of Emmanuel Macron, which they do not endorse neither on the form nor on the substance. “It’s shameful. I came because I pass over it, but for a president it is not nice to speak like that”, was indignant a patient after having made her first dose of vaccine.