“The French enjoin us to debate rather than fight,” says Yaël Braun-Pivet, first woman elected president of the National Assembly

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The Hemicycle “has the face of France” and “the French enjoin us to work together, to debate rather than fight”. The words of Yaël-Braun Pivet, elected President of the National Assembly, Tuesday June 28. “The Assembly must be an opportunity for our country”also insisted the one who was still a novice in politics in 2017. Meanwhile, Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne continues her consultations with the leaders of the parliamentary groups, Wednesday, June 29. Follow our live.

A woman for the first time on the perch. With the election on Tuesday to the presidency of the lower house of Yaël Braun-Pivet, France belatedly joins almost all of its European neighbors whose national assemblies are or have been chaired by women.

A second-round election. It only took two rounds on Tuesday to elect Yaël Braun Pivet by an absolute majority, after the RN candidate Sébastien Chenu withdrew his candidacy and the RN deputies then decided to abstain.

Elisabeth continues to consult. This Wednesday, the head of government receives successively at Matignon André Chassaigne (PCF), Mathilde Panot (LFI) then the leader of the RN deputies, Marine Le Pen, and finally the “independents” Bertrand Pancher and Christophe Naegelen.

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