“the French do not want Mélenchon prime minister” says the socialist president of the Dordogne

“What shocks me the most is the arrival of the RN in the Dordogne” says Germinal Peiro on France Bleu Périgord this Sunday, June 19. In Dordogne, the far-right candidate Serge Muller was elected deputy in Bergeracois. “Even in 1986 when there was proportional representation, the National Front had not exceeded 40 deputies. Today, it is an extraordinary push”.

The president of the departmental council believes that the big winner of this election is “Marine Le Pen” and that Jean-Luc Mélenchon did not succeed in his challenge to become prime minister: “we must not tell stories, the French do not want Jean-Luc Mélenchon Prime Minister […] it did not work […] There would have been a desire from Jean-Luc Mélenchon to make a union, we would have succeeded but […] union does not mean crushing one for the benefit of the other”.

According to Germinal Peiro, Emmanuel Macron must “Take into account the messages that the people send him, tonight I am sad for France and sad for my country”.

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