the French continue to consume more and more antibiotics

Antibiotic consumption has increased by more than 16% in one year. This new increase is a health problem because it strengthens the resistance of bacteria to these drugs.


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Medication illustration.  (PATRICK LEFEVRE / MAXPPP)

More and more automatic medications? The French consumed more antibiotics in 2022, continuing the increase observed since 2021, according to Public Health France. This consumption of antibiotics only saw a decline in 2020, with the Covid-19 pandemic. In one year, the consumption of antibiotics has increased by more than 16%. To get a statistical idea, per 1,000 inhabitants, there are 800 antibiotic prescriptions.

The triple epidemic of 2022 should have nothing to do with it, because Covid-19, influenza and bronchiolitis are caused by viruses, and not by bacteria, antibiotics are therefore ineffective. Despite everything, Public Health France believes that the increase in antibiotic consumption is linked to this triple epidemic. These are undoubtedly bad prescriptions. They are also linked to certain gastroenteritis and streptococcal infections.

The increase is especially marked among children. For 5-14 year olds, consumption jumped by more than 40% in one year. The increase is also noted among nursing home residents. The regions which consume the most antibiotics are Provence-Alpes-Côte-d’Azur, Corsica and Hauts-de-France.

In December, health authorities will launch a campaign to encourage the French to use fewer antibiotics to fight against antibiotic resistance, that is to say the development of super bacteria on which our drugs will soon no longer have any effect.

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