the French consume less and less red meat


Video length: 2 min.


Article written by

M.-P.Cassignard, P.-Y.Salique E.Meyer, F.Bohn, P.Caron, A.Da Silva – France 2

France Televisions

The French consume less and less red meat. A Harris Interactive study, published on April 4, reveals that 57% of French people have reduced their meat consumption over the past 3 years. How to explain this phenomenon ?

Less and less meat on our plates… In a butcher’s shop in the Parisian suburbs, customers are still there, but they consume less. “I declined for an environmental reason and the dangers of excessive meat production“, testifies a man. A woman confirms: “Our children eat less meat. And then it’s very expensive.” Nearly 6 out of 10 French people say they have reduced their meat consumption in the past three years.

Inflation in question

These changes in habit, Aurélien Pruvost, restaurateur in the Val-de-Marne, notes them. “We noticed a small drop in the consumption of red meat. […] People pay more attention to the origin of meat“, indicates the restaurateur. For several months, inflation has also motivated this drop. Since the 90s, meat consumption has continued to decline. Today it is 10g per day and per French person on average.

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