the French championships in the south of the Channel?

This is the only deliberation that the community councilors of Mont-Saint-Michel Normandie will discuss by videoconference this Wednesday evening: the application of the agglomeration to host in 2023 or 2024 this great event of French cycling.

Every year, 650 runners professionals come to compete for the title of Champion of France, in the time trial and online events.

These are 30,000 to 50,000 spectators over four days and several million on television, since the races are broadcast live.

The former speaker of the Tour de France and “local of the stage” since he is from Saint-Martin-de-Landelles, Daniel Mangeas dreams of it all the more so as it would be a first in Lower Normandy.

Communities have until November 30 to apply. Decision in January 2022.

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