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After Germany, France recommends its nationals to leave Ukraine on Saturday February 19. Jean-Baptiste Marteau, live from the Élysée in Paris, sheds light.
The decision of the President of the Republic to remind French nationals to leave Ukrainian territory on Saturday February 19 proves that the situation is serious. “At the Élysée, we recognize that the situation has considerably hardened in recent hours, that everything is very uncertain, volatile“, reports journalist Jean-Baptiste Marteau, from the Élysée Palace. Events can get out of hand at any moment.”It is also emphasized that rapid de-escalation is just as possible“, says the journalist.
France advises its nationals to evacuate Ukrainian territory “as a precaution“, like other countries have done EUnited States, Great Britain or Germany. Leaving Ukraine is for now only”a recommendation, not yet an obligation“, emphasizes Jean-Baptiste Marteau.
Emmanuel Macron will discuss Sunday at 11 a.m. with Russian President Vladimir Putin, the only one who can avoid a war. “Before that, the French president must exchange in less than an hour now, with his Ukrainian counterpart“, concludes the journalist.