“The French are waiting for a political change”, declares Louis Boyard, deputy LFI

The rebellious deputy assures Franceinfo that Elisabeth Borne does not have “the majority in the National Assembly” and that the government has decided “to pass by force” on the pension reform.

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The deputy La France insoumise Louis Boyard at the National Assembly, February 17, 2023. (LUDOVIC MARIN / AFP)

“The French are waiting for a political change”, declares Louis Boyard, deputy La France insoumise, on franceinfo Monday March 20. Two motions of censure against the government of Elisabeth Borne are voted on Tuesday after the activation of 49.3 of the Prime Minister to pass the pension reform.

>> Follow this decisive day for pension reform in our live

“The only sovereignty in France is the people”, explains the rebellious MP. Louis Boyard assures that Elisabeth Borne did not “the majority in the National Assembly” and the government decided “to force through”. At the podium, the Prime Minister denounced the attitude of the Nupes responsible for the chaos in the hemicycle.

“I say to the Prime Minister: ‘It is you who are responsible for the chaos in the country’. You must therefore withdraw the reform or allow a return to the polls. The French are waiting to be able to decide politically.”

Louis Boyard, MP LFI

at franceinfo

Louis Boyard therefore calls for a “referendum or a dissolution of the National Assembly” : “Elisabeth Borne does not have a majority in the National Assembly. We have a problem with the relationship between our institutions and the will of the people. The French are waiting for a change in policy. This change will only happen through a return to the polls. We we are not afraid to return before the people.” The rebellious deputy rejects the accusations of “chaos” of the Prime Minister and says he wants “simply give the voice back to the people”.

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