Video length: 3 min
Cuisine: the French are increasingly turning to “batch cooking” to save money
Cuisine: the French are increasingly turning to “batch cooking” to save money
(France 2)
45% of workers now admit to regularly bringing their meals to their workplace. Their motivation is not only economic.
Cooking in large quantities for several meals: a habit for Hortense. On the menu this week: fajitas but also vegetarian couscous. For four years, this human resources intern has prepared all her lunches that she takes to the office. “I got it for about 10 euros. I eat very well during the week, dishes that I like, and I save money”she explains.
Anticipate your meals to eat better
Bringing your home-cooked meal to work is a habit that is gaining more and more French people. In 2023, one in four workers will eat their lunch. For Hortense, preparing your meal also means eating a balanced diet. Among her colleagues, she is the only one to anticipate. But preparing meals would not be so time-consuming for those who practice batch cooking. A business that also benefits lunch box manufacturers.