the French are increasingly favoring short circuits


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For years, organic has been popular in France. Now, it is neglected for short circuits.

In France, a trend is confirmed in supermarkets, that of the collapse of sales of organic products. For several months, the French have been buying less and less. However, other products are popular: those coming from short circuits. Whether fruit and vegetables, meat or milk, it is rather the origin of food that now makes the difference for consumers.

Monday, September 26, in a direct sales point near Montpellier (Hérault), it’s crowded, like every morning. Conversely, the organic departments of supermarkets are neglected. Sales from specialized departments fell by 7% between January and August 2022. At the same time, the direct sales outlet near Montpellier saw its turnover increase by almost 15% last year. The manager observed a change in consumer habits after the Covid-19 period.

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