Researchers confirm in particular that they are less affected by cardiovascular pathologies compared to other Western European countries.
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The health of the French has constantly improved in recent decades and is at an excellent level compared to other Western European countries, concludes a reference study relayed on Wednesday March 20 by Health Insurance, s However, stopping before the Covid-19 pandemic.
“Over the period considered – 1990 to 2019 – life expectancy at birth in France has improved over time,” underlines Health Insurance in a press release, regarding this study published at the end of February in the Lancet Regional Health. Led by researchers from the National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm), the University of Bordeaux and the Bordeaux University Hospital, with the help of Public Health France (SPF) and Health Insurance , this work aims to constitute a reference.
Fewer cardiovascular pathologies
It is based on the figures of “Global burden of disease”a vast program funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and aimed at bringing together health data from most countries.“This analysis shows that French health indicators are among the best in Europe”, conclude the researchers, referring in particular to healthy life expectancy.
They confirm in particular that the French are less affected by cardiovascular pathologies compared to the majority of their neighbors. Researchers assume that this good performance is linked to the French health system, which allows residents to be well monitored at a lower cost than in many other countries.
Room for improvement on tobacco
However, they point to weaknesses specific to France. If the main cancers remain less frequent than elsewhere, the country has made relatively little improvement in this area in recent decades. The study estimates in particular that France still has progress to make in reducing smoking, one of the main causes of cancer.
Researchers now emphasize the need to carry out work that takes into account the Covid period. Not only has this caused a significant number of deaths and illnesses, but the health restrictions taken in 2020 and 2021 have also contributed to affecting the smooth running of the health system.