the French are flocking to tests as the holidays approach



France 3

Article written by

S. Aramon, France 3 Regions, JC.Lambard – France 3

France Televisions

Antigenic tests are multiplying in pharmacies and self-tests are snapping up, a few days before the end of the year celebrations. Report in the Rhône.

A few days before the end of the year celebrations and family reunions, the self-test, sold for around 5 euros per unit, is particularly coveted in pharmacies. “We saw this wave coming. We sell a box per minute, almost”, confides Véronique Rigaud, pharmacist.

To meet growing demand, the Boiron laboratory in Messimy, in the Rhône, has agreed to transform itself into an assembly unit. The pace is high, to ensure the order of 25,000 boxes. As for the reliability of the test, Valérie Lorentz-Poinsot, general manager of the laboratory, assures us that it is “98 [à] 99% “. Even more reliable, antigenic tests are also increasing in pharmacies. The result is obtained in less than 15 minutes.

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