the French are crazy about sweets


Article written by

J. Benzina, A. Fuzellier, R. Laurentin – France 2

France Televisions

The French have never eaten so many sweets. How to explain such a success?

The French crossed in the street, Friday September 30, by France Televisions, adore them. And in a Parisian boutique, calls abound. The house specialty is candy pyramids. Magali Pastel, manager of Pastel Candy, sells at least six a week. For a year and a half, its order book has been full. “Since we got out of the Covid, it started to pick up a little bit, [avec] birthdays. There are +300% orders, I think”she says.

The word “bonbon” appeared in the 17th century, with the young King Louis XIII. His doctor used to give him rose flavored sugar when he was sick, and called it “give candy”. For a long time, sweets were medicine. They then became associated with sweet pleasure, and even celebrated in song with Annie Cordy. Then it was the arrival of the essentials: Carambar, teddy bears or even Tagada strawberries. Today the old recipes regain their letters of nobility. The Kubli company, which has been manufacturing it for more than 100 years, will record 20% more sales in 2022 thanks to a new audience: adults.

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