the French are buying more and more non-prescription drugs


Video length: 2 min.


Article written by

M.Subra-Gomez, R.Mathé, H.Pozzo, L.Sabas – France 2

France Televisions

Nearly six million French people do not officially have attending physicians. With the development of medical sites, some believe they can treat themselves. According to an IFOP survey, 88% of French people have already used non-prescription drugs.

To relieve health professionals, could we become our own doctors for everyday ailments? Self-medication is practiced by 88% of French people according to the FIFG, against 58% 20 years ago. Medicines without prescriptions enthroned prominently in this Parisian pharmacy. The pharmacist plays the role of advisor, especially for the oldest people.

Non-prescription drugs are not reimbursed

For lack of an available appointment with their attending physician, some even push their self-medication further. The pharmacy now only provides the number of antibiotics requested by the doctor to avoid any problem. According to one study, 91.4 million prescriptions were for first-line drugs last year. But for doctors, these are not useless consultations. With inflation, some patients give up buying drugsfirst resort treatments, because without a prescription, they are not reimbursed.

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