the French addicted to their mobile phones?


Video length: 1 min.

France 2

Article written by

S. Brunn, S. Ripaud, H. Desmarest – France 2

France Televisions

50 years after its creation, what place does your phone occupy in your daily life? Elements of response, in figures and information.

95% of French people have a mobile device, a smartphone in most cases. They use it almost four hours a day. However, there are disparities, since 94% of 15/29 year olds have a smartphone, compared to 36% of those over 75 years old. The most educated and city dwellers are also better equipped than the average.

Phone, go on the internet and send messages

A smartphone today costs 450 euros on average. Its distant ancestor, the first mobile phone launched in 1983, cost 3,995 dollars, the equivalent of more than 9,000 euros today. The French use it to make phone calls but above all to surf the internet, or to send messages. The most texted words would be “I love you”.

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