The “freedom convoys”, nuclear power, the crisis in Ukraine … Le 8h30 franceinfo by Adrien Quatennens

Adrien Quatennens, deputy of the North and coordinator of La France insoumise, was, Wednesday February 9, the guest of 8:30 franceinfo. He answered questions from Sahlia Brakhlia and Marc Fauvelle.

Vaccination pass: rebellious France supports the “freedom convoys”

Thousands of opponents of the vaccine pass have announced, on social networks, their intention to participate in a citizen action planned for Saturday and inspired by that of Canadian truck drivers. “Obviously”La France insoumise supports the “convoys of freedom”assured the deputy of the North and coordinator of the movement, Adrien Quatennens. “We must now repeal the vaccination pass and put an end to all these freedom-killing measures which are ineffective”he assured.

If militants of La France insoumise “wish to go, I encourage them to go”he insisted, recalling that beyond the contestation of the vaccination pass, “there are claims that are linked to other issues, in particular that of purchasing power”.

Nuclear: “If we had to relaunch it, we take it for generations”

“The French nuclear fleet is coming to obsolescence. It has been programmed for a few decades and we are coming to the end, judges the LFI deputy from the North. It’s not an ideological choice that you have to make,” as Emmanuel Macron prepares to make announcements on the subject Thursday in Belfort

Insubordinate France wants “planning for a nuclear phase-out”“No one is saying that a country like France, which has put all its eggs in one basket, can snap its fingers out of it. It has to be decided politically. We have to bet fully on renewable energiesexplained Adrien Quatennens.

Ukraine: “French diplomacy still passes for the fifth wheel of the carriage”

“The question of whether Emmanuel Macron has not been somehow duped, betrayed by our main allies, arises”argued the deputy from the North after the meeting between Emmanuel Macron and Vladimir Putin in Moscow, against the backdrop of the Ukrainian crisis “French diplomacy still passes for the fifth wheel of the carriage” he judged.

“If it malfunctions, if we have this impression of a stunted diplomacy that is tripping over the carpet, it is because Emmanuel Macron is caught in a vice in contradictionscontinued Adrien Quatennens. On the one hand, the declared desire to contribute to de-escalation, but on the other, the declarations on the European power that he wants to raise, aligned with NATO”.

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