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Is this the awakening of the “Yellow Vests”? The participants in the “freedom convoy”, opponents of the measures of health restrictions but also of the rise in the prices of energy and life, again, Thursday, February 10, took the road towards the capital.
The participants in the “freedom convoy” met in the main big cities of France. In Montpellier (Hérault), on the morning of Thursday February 10, a few hundred demonstrators were preparing to hit the road. Opponents of the vaccination pass or “yellow vests”, they have only one watchword: freedom. “Where are the human rights? I don’t know. I go to Paris and Brussels for that, to recover my freedom”says one participant.
Others, who left the day before, spent their first night in Toulouse (Haute-Garonne). A retiree has fitted out her truck to last as long as possible. All wish to join the capital, Friday 11. The Paris police headquarters however announced in the morning to take an order to prohibit the demonstration. In Avignon (Vaucluse), the decision does not pass. “No government can forbid us to go to the capital”says a man.