the freed hostages reunite with their loved ones


Video duration:
2 min

War between Hamas and Israel: freed hostages reunite with their loved ones

War between Hamas and Israel: the released hostages reunite with their loved ones – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – S. Perez, A. Vahramian, L. De Villepin, M. Benoliel, S. Yassine, H. Nalbandian, O. Sauvayre

France Televisions

24 Israeli hostages were released by Hamas and reunited with their families. Another 215 people remain detained in Gaza.

In the hospital corridor, a little 9-year-old boy runs towards his father. His older brother welcomes their mother, 55 years old. Then comes the grandmother, also a hostage of Hamas. Three generations, locked together for 49 days. Images of the reunion are playing endlessly in Israel. 13 women and children were released on Friday November 24.

Those who remain hostages

For the others, those who are still not on the list, the ordeal continues. Jocelyne, a Franco-Israeli, is desperately waiting for the phone call which will announce the release of Ethan, her 12-year-old grandson, kidnapped on a motorbike in the kibbutz of Nir Oz (Israel). “I believed in it too. (…) I was so disappointed. It’s torture. Moral torture. (…) And if he is not released within three days? These are questions that ‘we settle down’, she confides. His fears were confirmed on Saturday evening, after the postponement of the release of the second group of hostages.

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